Ash's Goings Ons

It's a little blog about what's up with me.


Successful Visit Home

I made it home and back, having done most things that I wanted to (didn't have time to try to meet up with Beth, sadly).  I should have taken more pictures, though...

Ayla sporting the "lucky mustache" to help her wii game

Mckenna modeling my hat and then recovering from the task

I made a little something for myself in between presents.


Minnesota On My Mind

I can't really say why, but I have been thinking about Grand Marais, North House, and the beautiful people of the northern midwest lately.  I miss having a little cabin all to myself and the far north mentality (and the lake superior tattoos everyone has).  It's odd.  I was only there for a couple weeks, but the place made a big impression on me, and I would really like to go back.

From my journal Friday, Nov 14, 2008
I have only been here three days, but I already have a sense of belonging and friendship.  This is a truly welcoming place, and I don't think it's as simple as an acclimatization to tourists... Dre says it is because I am in 'the real midwest' now.  She may be right.

 Wednesday, Nov 19, 2008
I spent the day with a lovely woman, who took me on a hike.  We did about 6 miles of the Superior Trail, which runs about 300 miles from Duluth to Canada...  I learned that she and her husband used to be competitive sled dog mushers! ... [After the hike] I stayed for dinner, tea and knitting by the fire with an old sled dog at my feet. 
Day by day, I learn more about the importance of art in the culture of this community.  I also learn of the creative abilities of people I've met.  Children's book writers, painters, musicians, wood workers, fiber artists... It's abundant.  I even learned that a guy I met is an arctic explorer!  I didn't even know there were explorers anymore!

It was a time of realizations.  From that same entry:
I am telling people that I am going to UVM for ecological econ.  I think I am.  Feeling more confident all the time.
Yes, it was definitely good times:
Today: college research, soup for lunch!, industrial scale cornbread baking, desk manning, cookie eating!, contra dancing!, live music, movie, popcorn (not simultaneously), amazing view of Orion's Belt, toast right before bed.

Now that I have been reading the ol' journal a bit, I think maybe the reason that I have been thinking about MN is because there are certainly some similarities here.  People have a strong sense of place, there is that northern air feel, I am meeting a lot of welcoming people...  If only I lived in a cabin, one of my most enduring life goals.  Clearly it will happen someday...



Last night I hosted a CDAE (my department) potluck, and it was a great success!  I definitely represented the midwest with a tuna noodle casserole.  We also had deviled eggs, stuffing, pork dumplings straight from my friend's pig farm, cookies and apple crisp.  Wonderful.  We didn't quite make it to True Midwestern standards since there was no jello salad, but I think that is acceptable.  As usual, the people in my dept are excellent, and a good time was had by all.  I even (re)taught my friend to knit!

Also, the cats were a big hit.  How big, you ask?  Well...

Indy got his portrait done!

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As a grad student, it is my sacred duty to be innovative.  Of course, we all know that creativity does not come easily.  It is the happy outcome of hard work that develops a strong foundation of thought and knowledge, an open mind, luck, and the oft cited necessity (the necessity that is the mother of all invention).  Well, clearly all the elements combined perfectly when I, once again, had hot-from-the-oven bread and no cooling rack.

unforeseen pluses of converting from veganism

I had an absolutely lovely weekend to cap my crazy, crazy week.  Yes, Monday was one of the worst days of my life... but I guess those kind of days are a requirement.  Happily, things got better day by day through the late week and weekend, which included such delights as: a long run in warm weather (in shorts!), Rock Band, cartoons paired with knitting, getting some work done, making pumpkin curry, a clean apartment and art on my bedroom walls, Battlestar Gallactica and new friend bonding, girls' happy hour, and, obviously, fresh baked bread.  Lots of good times.

Folks who enjoy comics, my friend just published the first strip of her new webcomic: Mermaid Hostel.  Check it out!!


Funny Email

Subj: Survey on Procrastination

Hey Everyone,

I was asked to send this survey out to all students.  Please take a few moments to fill it out if you can!
