Ash's Goings Ons

It's a little blog about what's up with me.


True Love

Rainier Cherry time!


Great Stuff, a sampling

"Seriously, there is nothing that you could give me that I couldn't turn into a black hole by squeezing it sufficiently small."
~Brian Greene, theoretical physicist and string theorist

Pride pictures!In addition to amazing people watching, Pride had great dog watching. Unfortunately, I didn't take a picture that displayed the whole rainbow of colors dyed into spots along this pup's back.



Hiking Pictures

Apologies to my legions of readers for my lax posting! I have been rather busy lately with working, fencing and socializing. Working 10 hour days is a little bit nutty when the job is monotonous. So, I have been a little bit uninteresting in addition to not taking much time for things like blog posts. However, I have gone on some pretty hikes! Pictures!!

Wyoming Paintbrush (the red one) and something else that I don't know. This is from the Oregon coast.

idyllic stream in the gorge

Hiking is DANGEROUS... especially 'behind' this tree.

Sebastian overlooking the void

hiking party

Sebastian and Trevor, drummin' on the hike

end of log

end of hike