Ash's Goings Ons

It's a little blog about what's up with me.


Not Dead

Hi Everyone,
Good news: I am not dead.  I have just not been in the best frame of mind for blogging.  I will try to be better about it.

I am officially a resident of Vermont now.  Why?  My Oregon tags expired, so I thought I would finally get around to not breaking the law anymore.  For the first time in my life (which has included many license plates (MI, ID, CO, OR, VT), mine spells a word.  I am fancy now.  Vermont has really nice plates; they are plain green with white letters.  I have decided that I'm not a huge fan of the picture kind.

I have some knitting to post about, but no pictures yet.  Abby has some new handwarmers with a fancy cable.  There is almost a stuffed bear for Sean.  I am also making a simple maize and blue scarf, probably for me.

Unfortunately, I have not been taking many pictures of my cooking.  What a waste of the brilliant lighting in my kitchen, eh?  Rest assured, though, that I have been cooking a lot.  I have been really excited about the transition to winter foods.  So much soup.  So much roasting.  I am hanging tight to the last of brussels sprout season.

I'm going to be doing a bit of travel for the holiday season.  On Thursday, I will be off to Portland for a week.  Sometime between the end of classes and Christmas travels, I think there will be a girls-only trip to Montreal.  For Christmas, I will be driving back to Michigan to see everyone and do up the holiday home style.

Finally, I have some pictures.  My hip is cooperating with me a lot more now, so at long last, I have done a hike in Vermont!  Abby and I had a bit of a time getting to the trailhead, which included being locked out of the car by the dogs leading to harassment by the locals, but we eventually made our way to Mt.  Mansfield.  "But, Ashleigh," you say, "isn't that the highest peak in Vermont?"  Why, yes, it is.  We did not summit, but we had some great views and got to slip and slide around in the mud-slush in fantastic weather.  Good times were had by all.
We actually made it to the trailhead.  This was by far the thing we had the most trouble with.

Glamour shot at our turnaround point.

Clover rescuing me.

On the way down in the sunset.


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