Ash's Goings Ons

It's a little blog about what's up with me.


You Must

After much careful consideration, I have determined that YOU, my dear reader, MUST watch the film March of the Penguins. It is "visually stunning" as they say, informative and fascinating. If you react like me and want to see more, then enjoy the special features. They are actually worthwhile, not just trailers and silliness. There is even an old Bugs Bunny cartoon.

Other discoveries: I want to go to
  • Otter Bar
  • 3.23.2006


    I GOT SKIS!!

  • my skis!
  • 3.16.2006

    Something That Really Bothers Me

    Number of cell minutes I paid for this month: 450
    Number of cell minutes I used this month: 24

    Now, things would be different if Verizon held up their end of the contract and acually provided me service within 10 miles of where I live or work...

    Sent my thanks-but-no-thanks letters to the non-OSU grad programs this morning.

    Yesterday, I dropped my Zeus off at Subaru so they could try to figure out what the heck is wrong with the thing. Ideally, it would be a time-consuming problem, getting me into Lemon Law Land. On the other hand, I have bonded with Zeus now; we have so many memories and stories together *hmmm*. The funny thing about getting work done at Subaru is that one of the main functions of the service department at a dealership (I learned at Ford) is to get you to buy a new car (since yours is already all busted, right?). This means that the loaner cars are the fanciest, most expensive cars on the lot. Translation: my console was so confusing that I gave a short prayer of thanks to the gods of chance that the previous driver preferred the same radion station as me. Seriously, it had more lights and buttons than a movie airplane cockpit. Yeah, it's kind of sweet, but it's one of those up high cars, which I really don't like to drive much. Also, I am reminded, as I drive up the mountain roads, how painfully puny Zeus's engine is. We'll see how it all turns out.


    Kids Are Funny

    I have decided to tell a few of my favorite "cute kid" stories from work. For those of you who don't know, my office is right next to the children's ski school area.

    Cuteness countdown:

    4) I wish I could adequately described the hamming it up of little (five and under) kids in the lift line. From dancing to trying to escape getting scanned, I see lots of personalitites. The cutest kids can't even talk to you because they are so happy to be skiing their smiles occupy their whole being. My favorite was a little boy of about four who I had been scanning first (before mom). One time, I scanned his mom first, and he jumped up to me and yelled, "Don't forget about me!" before bursting into that hamming-it-up smile.

    3) One of the (quite thin male) ski instructors had his class in the center for snack time. They were having cookies. One of the kids turned to him and solemnly said, "If you eat a hundred of these, you'll get fat." The instructor was at a loss for words.

    2) One of the kids wet his pants and Libby (one of the program coordinators) went to get him something dry to wear. Well, this was one bold kid. As soon as she was out of sight, he came into the call center, stipped down naked, and waited calmly fidgeting in the (open) doorway for her return. Of course, she came back and was greeted by his nudity.

    1) I went out to the drinking fountain to find it flooded/overflowing with two little girls standing on chairs and playing in the water. I went up and asked, "What happened here?" One of the girls looked up at me with the look of guilty pride and quietly said, "We did it." I filled my water bottle and left them to enjoy themselves.


    It Snowed

    My concerns that the weather was going to unemploy (is this a word?) me within the week have passed. We just got a pretty decent snowstorm, so YAY. I will go skiing tomorrow maybe.
    Barring any weather mishaps, my last day at Eldora will be either April 9 or April 16. From that off to Oregon for room scouting, then home to MI for the summer. My mom thinks that I won't come home. I can neither confirm or deny, as anyone who knows me can agree.



    Here I am posting again, even though I woke up with a headache, a very rare experience for me.

    Basically, I'm going crazy lately worrying about the whole grad school move and what the heck I am going to do for the summer. Should I stay in MI? Stay in OR? Backpack?
    The crappiest part is that what I should be doing is enjoying my remaining time here in CO more and worrying less. However, I feel like I need some sort of plan. Why am I not one of those people who can just decide and set the whole thing aside, out of consiousness? Well, it does seem possible that I make better decisions because they are well thought out, but I could be overanalyzing. In fact, I am overanalyzing this very subject, which is quite fitting, I think.
    By the way, Oregon seems pretty sure right now because apparently the money I paid to UM to send my recommendation letters to Colorado State was wasted. I just got a "please send us your stuff" email from CSU. Oh well, I was going to pick OR anyway, and we all knew it.

    ...and I wonder why I have a headache...

    Wow. I need to go for a walk.

  • new pictures!