Ash's Goings Ons

It's a little blog about what's up with me.



Here I am posting again, even though I woke up with a headache, a very rare experience for me.

Basically, I'm going crazy lately worrying about the whole grad school move and what the heck I am going to do for the summer. Should I stay in MI? Stay in OR? Backpack?
The crappiest part is that what I should be doing is enjoying my remaining time here in CO more and worrying less. However, I feel like I need some sort of plan. Why am I not one of those people who can just decide and set the whole thing aside, out of consiousness? Well, it does seem possible that I make better decisions because they are well thought out, but I could be overanalyzing. In fact, I am overanalyzing this very subject, which is quite fitting, I think.
By the way, Oregon seems pretty sure right now because apparently the money I paid to UM to send my recommendation letters to Colorado State was wasted. I just got a "please send us your stuff" email from CSU. Oh well, I was going to pick OR anyway, and we all knew it.

...and I wonder why I have a headache...

Wow. I need to go for a walk.

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