Ash's Goings Ons

It's a little blog about what's up with me.


the past few

Well, the chili cookoff went well. I got third place overall, which ain't too shabby for a vegetarian chili. The scene wasn't as crazy as last year, but I don't know how it possibly could have been. I mean, last year I was clubbing in downtown Denver, eating at a waffle house 45 minutes from there, sleeping in a truck, and hiking in Estes Park all within a 12 hour time frame. I won a mix CD for my third place showing, and it's pretty good. Overall, a success, though I must admit it was hard not to win. Rumors were flying about the second place winner being rather skilled with a can opener, if you catch my drift.

Yesterday I met the baby and gave the blanket I made to her. Her name is Melicka, and she is super tiny! She is a month old and still three pounds lighter than I was at birth. Her mom thinks she's big becuase she can't hold her in one hand anymore. Anyway, she's cute and seems like a pretty happy baby.

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