Ash's Goings Ons

It's a little blog about what's up with me.


The Everyday

Well, my casserole was not quite as good as Mom's. Mom's is more moist. I think that a big factor was the casserole dish I used. She has these great casseroles that have overlapping lips when they close. I used a normal dish. Mine was still good, though, and Reza liked it. One bonus about eating with Reza: You know how it's so hard to cook for two? Well he eats enough for about three, so all those great family-sized recipes are all to the good.

This morning the downstairs radio was on when I got up. There's no one else here to turn it on, and I know for sure it was off last night. Creepy. Someone could have set an alarm on it by accident. Or there could be a solar flare. Apart from that I expect today to be fairly routine. Here's my typical day:
-get up and make tea
-drink tea while doing my email and applying for newly posted jobs
-crochet while watching a movie
-go into Boulder to run errands
-make and eat dinner with Reza
It's pretty good. Today one of may errands is getting the engraving done on the Pedro trophy. YES! One childhood dream realized.

Yesterday, I called the Subaru dealer. Wow. I can't believe what is happening with my car. I think I have a vehicular curse. I called to get word on when my car might be finished. Jason, my charming service writer, let me know that it's worse than they thought and they don't know when it will be done. The best estimate he can give me is, "a while." Apparently the uncertainty is due to the fact that various parts of the engine have been sent off to various specialty shops, and the manufacturer is directly involved in the repair somehow. He said there is a lot of red tape. I think there will be more red tape soon, because if they don't get my car back to me within a certain period they will be legally obligated to buy it back from me at the price I paid for it (or replace it).

Tomorrow is going to be super radical. Reza and I are going to go into Denver. I am going to buy pants. As some of you know, I wait to buy jeans until all of mine have holes in the crotch (because I sit on my foot and my shoe wears on the fabric). I don't know why I do this; I know it is a bad idea. Well, I have reached the threshold, and am off to the... is there are word for pantmaker? You know like haberdasher is to hats as ________ is to blue jeans? Anyway, I'm going to buy jeans. Also, we are going to go to an Iranian restuarant (I think) and then out to Persian night at this dance club. Reza's friend is the DJ. We went once before and it's so awesome. Everyone is there from seven year olds to sixty year olds, and there are belly dancers! I can practice my Farsi.


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