Ash's Goings Ons

It's a little blog about what's up with me.



I has been brought to my attention (thanks Gma) that I have not updated the ol' blog in quite some time. I am happy to say that the reason for the lapse has been me getting stuff done. Yay!

Not only have I sent out numerous resumes to various potential employers, but I have also completed a draft of my new and (hopefully) improved personal statement. Both are now brewing away. The applications are out of my hands, and the personal statement is waiting patiently for my second review. As some of you know, these things need a couple days of rest before the author can revisit them successfully.
Basically, I feel really good. I have had some time to take care of my mental and emotional needs, finished the book I was reading (Sister Carrie), and started running again. That's right, I have started running once more, special thanks to Jason at Boulder Running for putting me in the right shoe. The thing that stinks is that it is hard to get back into the sport. I feel SO SLOW, which is normal. But I'm trying to start back in at 8500 feet above sea level. Can you all hear me breathing in MI?
Speaking to you Michiganders, some of you may not know that I will be returning to our fine state on the 23rd of September in order to defend my Pedro Champion title...also I will see all you wonderful folks.

Another thing I have been doing is learning some Farsi (aka Persian, aka the language of Iran). I can now hold a very intellectual conversation. These are the words I know:
How are you?
Very well.
Be careful
I don't know

Basically, I can ask someone out:
Hi! Me you, okay?

Tonight I am making the food that has been my favorite ever since childhood for Reza's and my dinner: chicken macaroni casserole. I hope it's as good as Mom's.


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