Ash's Goings Ons

It's a little blog about what's up with me.


Most Exciting Day Ever!

...and keep in mind that all this happened since 5pm-ish...

So first I receive an email from the Montana Americorps thing, saying something along the lines of: Welcome to the MLSA blah blah blah. Whoa. So now I have to think about that, you know, for real like. In order to cope, I go for a little run, the only uneventful activity of the evening. My mind is going. I'm thinking about Great Falls, MT (which by the way is in the high plains/"frontier" not the mountains), and if I will go there. I don't know. It's like I see all these great reasons to go, but the gut reaction is not excitement, which I would think appropriate.
After the run and the post-run (stretch, shower...), it's time to make dinner. I hear my phone ring the voicemail signal. For some reason the you-have-voicemail signal comes through every now and then. The phone doesn't ring. I can't call my voicemail or anyone/thing else from the phone. The occasional alarm is all I've got going for me. Anyway, I decide to listen to the messages. Three. Number 1: athletic director calling me back about a middle school girls bball asst coaching job. I was surprised because the first interview had ended with, "Um...well...we might get back to you..." after I had said I couldn't commit to more than one season. So I was pretty psyched about that. Message 2: Eldora ski resort calling for an interview. Yay! Now I'm super excited. (The last message was for Reza.) This is the reaction I want to feel about a job, especially if I have to drastically change my life (read: move to the Kansas section of MT).
Now, I don't think that the excitement from the recently received news was the cause of the day's Grand Finale, but maybe... I open the oven to check on Reza's chicken and my yam (which I am learning to like b/c of high vitamin content). The chicken looks good and needs a closer inspection. I grab the towel from the oven towel hangy bar to pull out the shelf without scorching my delicate hand. The next thing I know, THE TOWEL IS ON FIRE. Now when you're inside and you are unexpectedly holding something that is aflame, you (I now know from experience) don't act perhaps as rationally as you would otherwise. Let's just say that I completely ignored the sink directly to my right and instead threw the towel down onto the floor to stomp on it (followed by wacking it with the slipper in hand). That worked and luckily did not burn or scorch, in any way, the beautiful wooden floor. All is well now except for the towel with an unfortunate blackened hole in the corner. The incident has motivated a relocation of the ovenmits to a drawer more easily accessible from the oven.


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