Ash's Goings Ons

It's a little blog about what's up with me.


groove thing

Okay, I think I am only starting to get a little bit into the groove of working at the Humane Society. It is troubling... working this late schedule seems to eat up all my time somehow. I feel like I spend all my waking hours getting ready for work, at work or getting ready for bed. Ugh. I know that in large part that is the way of the 40 hour work week. I am trying to remember how long it took me to get over this feeling when I was working at Eldora. It seems like it took about 2 months or so, but this should take less time since I am not spending 2 hours commuting every day like I was in CO. Right?

The problem with my job at the Humane Society is that it is boring. When it is busy there, it's not so bad- just repetitive. However, those busy days are usually restricted to weekends, so that's a majority of boring days each week.
Today was one of the boring days. This morning we were required to go in 2 hours early to listen to an insurance salesman guilt us into selling pet insurance to new adopters. I felt like I was the only one who was suspicious of his "We're just looking out for the animals," and, "Our goal is to break even on Oregon Humane Society adoptions." Look man, if you weren't breaking even you wouldn't be making glamorous offers of ski trips for all the customer service employees. You wouldn't be buying EVERYONE breakfast. You wouldn't be selling insurance. Don't guilt us; we generate a HUGE database of marketing leads for you. When you start paying me commission, I will start thinking about selling your insurance. My favorite part was when he suggested that we buy the insurance for our own pets so that we could more fully answer new adopters' questions about the insurance plans. Smooth. Subtle. After that it was lots of sitting and doing nothing while my supervisor urged me to "keep busy with something."

On the other hand, my new house is lovely. The cats are finally getting along well... Um, in one case it's more of an avoiding game, but three of them are getting on smashingly. I still have a bit of rearranging and organizing to do, but I am feeling rather moved in and comfortable. So far, so good. Hopefully pictures are in store for you .


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