Ash's Goings Ons

It's a little blog about what's up with me.



I am employed now! Yay!

I got a job offer from the Humane Society on Thursday night, which was the night before my interview at Sokol Blosser Winery. I decided to accept the job with the Humane Society and go to the interview anyway. I now see that this was probably a silly thing to do.
The job at the winery (tasting room sales) would be a much better match for me, I think. It involves chatting with tourists and weekenders about wine and wine stories on a beautiful vineyard in the Dundee Hills. The company is small, family owned and operated, and eco-conscious. Wine is one of those things you can learn new things about forever, which appeals. At the intervi
ew, I discovered a laid-back atmosphere with people who were quick to smile and laugh and generally seemed happy. Problem: no-hitches commute time is one hour each way. Eeeeew. Expensive, time-consuming, stressful. A deal-breaker. Though the interview went well, I think, I hope they don't offer me the job, because it would just be easier mentally for me that way. It's pretty sweet; take a look for yourself: Sokol Blosser Winery.
So far, I am making this sound like a bad thing, which is not right. I am happy and excited about the Humane Society gig! I am going to be an adoptions counselor, which means I am the one who gets to send the pets happily off with their new families. I am also the one who has to break the news if the family/person and the pet don't quite match or if the landlord says "no". At the interview, people seemed upbeat and fun, so hopefully this will be reflected in the job. Oh yeah, there is another perk to this one: doggies and kitties (and rats and rabbits)! It is the kind of job that I had in mind when I said in an earlier post that I wanted something that would give me time to think my future career over more. I am going to start on Tuesday, hopefully. This depends upon the new home situation. Did you know there are less than five days left in the month!?


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