Ash's Goings Ons

It's a little blog about what's up with me.


tick, Tick, TICK, TICK!!!

This is my first post in the new version of blogger. I must admit that I resisted the change strongly at first (for quite a while), but in the end, I switched over... because 'they' forced me to. When, initially, my whole blog disappeared and 'they' made me create a new one without allowing me access to my old URL, I was not happy. At all - except for the glorious knowledge that I had been right all along to think that switching was poison. Now that my blog has "magically" reappeared (computer is a black box, right?), I am less annoyed. And now that I see I am able to to use my most loved font, Georgia, in the new blogger, I am actually kinda happy. We'll see how it goes from here...

Anyway, now for the real post. It has come to my attention that the clock is ticking down toward the end of February. What's the big deal? Well, I need to find a place to live! Having a job would be nice, too, and that's why I've been putting off the move. Now, though, it is time to switch priorities and seek shelter. Why is February so short, anyway? I know, I know! The calendar is formatted nicely to align with planetary motion and all, but seriously - it cuts my room search a little short and messes up the billing cycle for utilities and whatnot. Yes, so since I still haven't convinced Caita and Herb to move out here and form a little community with me, I need to figure something out on my own. I have a few leads - I hope one will turn out perfectly (or at least suitably).
As for the job search, it continues to be just that: a search. I have had a few nibbles, as the fishermen say, but nothing concrete so far. The whole process is somewhat frustrating since I lack focus, but for that I have no one to blame but myself, of course. So, I'm trying not to complain too much. I would like to find something that will pay the bills while allowing me ample low-stress time away while I figure out what I would like to be doing more long term. Ideally, I would discover that I fell into the perfect match for me, but that seems... less than likely. I'm keeping a lookout.

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