Ash's Goings Ons

It's a little blog about what's up with me.


Global Warming Alert!

Global warming is affecting our everyday lives. Most people are willing to admit that, I think. This winter has been either harsh, mild, weird, or whatever, depending upon where you live. The experts warned us about that; we have expected some changes in the weather. They also warned us about some more serious (well, I guess the seriousness of one vs. the other is debatable) effects of warming, one of which is the rising of the ocean waters, which will ultimately lead to the destruction of an overwhelming majority of the world's major cities/population centers. That would be really bad, and luckily, there are scientists out there that seem to think that we are not necessarily doomed to this fate. I, however, have some bad news. This morning when I woke up, I saw a terrible scene outside my window. A gang of angry seagulls was attacking and driving away our usual gang of obnoxious crows. This is troubling on so many levels. 1) We now have seagulls here where before we had none. Evidence of rising sea levels? I think so. 2) We have bird fights going on outside the window between the two loudest and most obnoxious bird species I have ever known. 3) I can't decide who to root for. I am against crows because of the terrible experiences I had dealing with them at UofM (they took over the campus, blackened the sky, pooped everywhere to stink up the place, and motivated the city to set off sound grenades right outside my window in order to drive them away). I am against seagulls because I have been pooped on by one and because they seem to have no fear of humans (they will dive bomb you!). This is a lose-lose situation as far as I can see.


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