Ash's Goings Ons

It's a little blog about what's up with me.



I have seen people walking their dogs...

... while walking.
... while running.
... while biking.
... while also piloting baby joggers.

and new today

... while longboarding. (skateboard version not surfboard version)

Longboarding is big here. People are doing it all over the place. I am, sadly, not one of them. However, it would be one heck of a ride between my house and school. I would have one very muscular leg and one puny leg, I think.

Did a lot of catching up on work today. Yay(?)! Also, I have a line on a free couch. It is UGLY. Which leads me to the question: Why are slipcovers crazy expensive ($100+ for most)?
Columbus Day just makes for annoying furniture store ads on the radio and a one day delay in receiving my Netflix. Boo.


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