Ash's Goings Ons

It's a little blog about what's up with me.


The Wedding!

I really feel like I should have a lot to say about the wedding, but I'm at somewhat of a loss for words. I can cover the basics, though. I cried my face off (and I was in good company). Cait and Herb looked happier than a couple of skunks in clover. I didn't pass out during the ceremony, and nobody else did either! The party was a rollicking good time, even though no one knew how to do the hustle (apparently). The food was tasty, but I could have been A-okay just eating cake cake CAKE! The next day, when the pressure was off, the couple looked even happier (who would have believed it was possible?).

Now I am back in Oregon anxiously awaiting the beginning of classes and the end of my unyeilding boredom.

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