Ash's Goings Ons

It's a little blog about what's up with me.


Quote I Feel the Need to Share

I was thinking, I imagine, of the rich potential of man. Thinking hopefully of a time that might quite soon come when he learns not merely new knowledge but new humility, and so new wisdom. A time when his know-how will run less rampant and he will learn the value of his 'feel-how': to balance, to curb, and to inspire. A time when treason will have become a meaningless word and patriotism is judged a crime. A time when he lives in harmony not only with the rest of the animal world but with the rock and rolling hills, with the forests and rivers, with the desert and the oceans and the uncorrupted air - not for any imagined altruistic reason but because he understands that it is the only way to survive.
~Colin Fletcher, The Man Who Walked Through Time


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