Ash's Goings Ons

It's a little blog about what's up with me.


Middle Eastern Chef Mathematician

First, the much awaited update on the baba ganouj. I have good news, mediocre news and bad news. The bad news is that the "baba ganouj" I made tastes nothing like baba ganouj and therefore, I cannot call it such or enjoy it in that special baba ganouj-loving way. The mediocre news is that the stuff that I made is not horrible tasting, or even bad tasting. It is, in my opinion, mediocre. The good news is that I found a restaurant where they do make baba! Theirs is not as good as Kabob Palace or Oasis, but compared to mine it is the heavenly ambrosia of the angels (it was actually the Greek and/or Roman gods that ate that stuff, though, right?). At any rate, I can cease my futile attempts at Middle Eastern chefdom and just add Crystal's Cafe onto my list of places to stop on grocery day.

In other news, I have finally signed up for some classes: econometrics and rural development. Yay! However, I need more classes to fill my schedule, and while there are only two classes that my advisor recommended I take (econometrics and math for economists) they are scheduled at overlapping times. Clearly, very well thought out. My solution is to take another math class at the undergrad level that I will probably need for survival anyway, vector calculus (not hunting and gathering for mathematicians). The problem with this is that I am here at the absolute bottom of the registration heap, as in the incoming freshman have already registered. I think that I have some pull, though, "I am a grad student. You once were or still are a grad student. Please understand my plight, and make an exception for me: let me into the already full class (please please please)." Note: I never thought I would be begging to take calc.
In summary, my life is about to get a LOT math-ier, and that's just this quarter.

P.S. Spell check suggested I replace calc with caulk. Oh so many who have shunned calc have gone the same way.


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