Ash's Goings Ons

It's a little blog about what's up with me.


Orientation Day

Yesterday, I had my departmental orientation. Things look good, in general. Actually, I didn't learn all that much, which is good. I would be concerned if they sprung any big surprises on us four days before classes start. Well, there was one surprise...
The graduate students let us know that prelims (aka preliminary exams), which are the most important markers of our progress, are apparently not tests of the knowledge gained in the classes preceding them. For example, we have three econometrics classes to take, and immediately after finishing the third one we must attempt the econometrics prelim. I had assumed that the material in the classes would be similar to that tested on the prelim, but I was, apparently, mistaken. They warned us to consider prelim preparation a class in itself, independent study, I suppose.
The best thing about orientation time is that the departments, student groups, colleges, etc are all itching to welcome us well. That means only one thing: an extensive schedule of cookouts. That's right, free food! Yay!

Everything other than school is stressful for me right now, so I am anxious for school to start and take up more of my time. It will only be a few days now.


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