Ash's Goings Ons

It's a little blog about what's up with me.


Funk Ending, I Think

Hi all you loyal readers (yes, you who are reading this even though my posting would be generously described as intermittent)!
I have not been posting recently, because I have been in a funk.  At about the same time, the weather turned sour and I messed up my hip.  That left me couch potatoed inside the apartment looking out at the cold gloom for about two weeks.  I can walk now, and the solstice seems to have brought summer weather with it.  Things are looking up!

So, not much to report on, but...
I have really been enjoying my job at the bike shop.  It gives me a lot of time to revel in bike envy and ooh and ahh at adorable little kids.  Both things that I like (especially being covetous, as many of you know).
In other news, I came home yesterday and the pot was mysteriously unstuck from the porch.


  • At 8:49 PM, Blogger Mother/Grandma said…

    I hope whoever pulled your pot off the deck left it there for you!
    Love, Grandma

  • At 1:21 PM, Blogger Ashleigh said…

    Yes, they did. However, it is done being a pot.


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