Ash's Goings Ons

It's a little blog about what's up with me.


Labor Day

Labor Day was chock full of activity. Reza and his friend Ber had a 10K in Fort Collins, so we started our day with a drive up there. Ber got second and Reza got sixth (because he didn't take my training advice on Sunday and was tired). He wasn't too happy with his time, but has another chance to prove himself and his training to his coach with a half-marathon coming up later this month. We shall see.
Reza and Ber both won gift certificates for shoes, so after the race, we went to the local running store and then to lunch. My sandwhich was just okay.

I had been hoping to make it up to Gold Hill after the race in time for a Zydeco concert, but we were too late and decided to go see a movie instead. We saw The Constant Gardener, which I would recommend highly to Dre and also to anyone looking to think about things that should make us uncomfortable. (Dre, it is a medical thriller, like that other movie about organ trafficking that you like but better done and on a subject more dear to you.)
After the movie we visited a couple Iranian families, and I ate very well.

Today has been sort of a lazy day. I have started to write a new personal statement because I hate my current version. I am starting over from scratch. I fear that when it's time to send off applications I will have changed drastically again and need to write another one.
I really should start a business writing application essays for people. Okay, I know that would be...against the rules, but I SHOULD start one doing editing. Too bad the universities all offer free writing help centers nowadays.


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