Ash's Goings Ons

It's a little blog about what's up with me.


13 Friday

05.13.05 8:22pm (CST)

Today involved a lot of driving. I went from southern Indiana to western Arkansas; I made it! I don’t have many stories from today because I took a lot of the bigger roads because I had a lot of miles to cover.
I had a first today. I used a full-service gas station for the first time. It was pretty sweet. On the one hand I would have preferred to get out and do it myself because my butt was tired of sitting, but on the other hand it was fun to have a chat with the pump attendant guy. There was what you might call a language barrier between us. I know I could hardly understand a word he said with his accent and I imagine he felt the same about me (or at least that I spoke way too quickly). I don’t know, though, because he said that he and his wife had lived in Michigan (St. Johns) for a while. He must have started out in the south to have an accent like he did, though. As a side note, it’s interesting that the full-service station gas was the same price as the self-service. I think its possible because they must pay the attendants the same thing as a convienance store clerk (there’s no store and the pump attendant collects the money).
Arkansas is a new state for me so I can check it off the list. Something tells me that Hawaii will be the last one to fall. My main weakness is the northeastern states right now, but Dre and I would both like to visit Maine. So, I think a number of those will be taken care of.
There are some things in Arkansas that have cool names. For one think, I am writing this on the shores of Lake Nimrod. The best town name I saw today was Success, AK. The road signs had arrows: this way to Success. Who knew it could be that easy? I also saw the Current River, which I think is an apt name. There was another town called Alicia (I took a picture of it because I thought it might be cool for you to have, Lee).
I heard some interesting things on the radio today. The best one was that there is a theme park in IN called Holiday Park (or something close to that) and the town it occupies is called Santa Clause. That’s not the genius part, though. They give out free sunscreen. Brilliant. They also give free unlimited pop. I had a good laugh listening to some ultra-conservative talk shows (including the funniest which was a Pentacostal sermon).
The Nimrod Lake campground is posh. There is a bathroom with showers!! The cashier guy said that he didn’t “feel good about [me] staying here alone on a Friday night” and said that I should take a spot next to a family that is camping. I could tell it would make him feel better so I agreed. I think this family has a thousand kids or something, so I’ve been able to hear reenactments of various Star Wars scenes. Score! The best thing, though, is that I used my new stove for the first time and had some delicious pasta. Thanks Mom and Dad!

Today’s route:
50 W to
SR 231 S
Fed 64 W
Fed 41 S
I-64 W
I-57 S
MO 60 W
Fed 67 S
Fed 64 W
I-40 W
Fed 64 W
AR 9 S
AR 10 W
AR 7 S


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