Ash's Goings Ons

It's a little blog about what's up with me.


12 Thursday

05.13.05 6:36am

I’ve gotta say that it feels strange to take out my laptop while I’m staying here in a rustic campground, but it’s all in the name of keeping everyone on top of my trip. As we all know, I set off yesterday. I didn’t get going as early as I’d hoped, but I had already sort of revised the schedule that morning around 2am, which was when I got to bed after so much packing. Let’s just say that it didn’t go as smoothly as planned (thanks to Dre for the probably-life-saving moral and physical support).
Eventually, though, (aka 9:30) I did get out of town, but it wasn’t exactly a clean break. I got off at Baker Road for gas. I got off at Fletcher Road because I noticed a problem with the bike rack. I got off at M-52 to check and make sure I had successfully fixed the rack. I had, and so my next stop was outside Auburn, IN at what I think is the smallest rest stop I’ve ever visited. It was just a little building that can best be described as modeled after those old high school bathrooms. Anyway, they had space outside for lunch and a nap, but I didn’t use it because it was rather cold. I ate and slept in the car. Later, I stopped for gas in Maxwell, IN, which I recommend to all you folks who search crazily for a cheap fill-up. $1.93.
On these stops I realized, “Connie, we’re not in Ann Arbor anymore.” You’d think that a person decked out in pink with short spikey hair was some sort of alien. Actually, it probably is. Let’s just say that I got some prolonged glances thrown my way a few times. This can only get better as I head south, I’m sure.
Speaking of heading south, I’m sure some of you fine folks know how I feel about Waffle House (Waffle Hizzouse for some). Well, as I drove along I thought, ‘Hey, I’ll be in Waffle House country soon. That will truly be a positive sign of my progress.” Well, not long after those very thoughts arose I saw a terrible thing. It gave the appearance of a tried-and-true Waffle House, but NO! It was an old Waffle House building changed to a “Waffle & Steak.” What’s going on here? Is this just because Indianans don’t like waffles or is the chain as a whole in crisis? If the former, then why replace Waffle House with an even shadier knock off? It’s all rather perplexing, but don’t worry. I’m on the case.
Speaking of worry, you know how when you’re driving along and you see one of those cars plastered with STUDENT DRIVER you get just a touch nervous? Well, let me tell you, you get a bit more nervous when those signs are plastered all over a full-sized semi. Yikes! I’ve never seen that before. Nothing happened; I just thought I’d mention it.
It’s already like summer here. It’s greener than at home and I am batting misquitoes away and listening to some notalby loud birds as I type. Luckily, it was not too hot to enjoy my sleeping bag. Or my tent, which was wonderful in its first day of use outside. I have never used a tent with a vestibule before, and I can see after just one day that it is the utmost in luxury. In the rain/snow I’m sure its benefits are just plain awesome.
A couple funny notes from the road. There’s a town in IN called Gnaw Bone. The residents there seem to have embraced it. The stores are called things like Gnaw Bone Grocery and Gnaw Bone Hardware. I was hoping that the church would be called Gnaw Bone Christian Parish or something like that, but it was called Pleasant Valley church. Come on! Where’s your sense of adventure Gnaw Bone church-goers? Also on the subject of churches, I saw a great sign: There’s no high like the most high. Oh man! All in all, it was a good day, and there should be more in store on today’s drive as I hope to make it to western Arkansas.

For those of you following along at home:
Leave Ann Arbor on I94 west to
I-69 S
IN state road 9 S
IN state road 46 W
IN state road 136 S (amazingly beautiful drive)
IN state road 5o W to camp in Martin State Forest


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