driver's ed
I think that we need to reform the driver's education in this state and, I'm sure, most (probably all) of the rest. I propose that we add a requirement: a person who is attempting to obtain a driver's license must ride a bike on the road. The candidates should ride under average conditions. There should be little to no shoulder, some potholes, moderate traffic, some city riding some country riding (as available). The benefits of the program are two-fold. First and foremost, by riding down the road for a few miles the drivers-to-be will get first hand experience with how much a little consideration for cyclists can do. It can make the difference between thinking 'damn cars' and 'sweet georgia brown I hope I survive this'. More importantly it can make a difference in how many cyclists actually do "survive this". I know that I have become a much safer driver with regard to city cyclists since I have had experiece riding in Ann Arbor. This is a good thing for us all. Second, more people would get an introduction to cycling, which is what all the cool kids should be doing these days. Granted: they might not look so favorably upon it since it is a requirement. But, how could they not love it once they're in the saddle?
This is dedicated to the ONE gravel train driver guy who was nice to me on Pleasnt Lk today.
This is dedicated to the ONE gravel train driver guy who was nice to me on Pleasnt Lk today.
At 11:07 PM,
anand jay said…
Oh, thank the great potato. Until I got to that last bit, I was sure you'd had an accident.
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