Ash's Goings Ons

It's a little blog about what's up with me.



I had a radical birthday. I even celebrated for two days. On Thursday, I went to Two Wheel because they were having a big cinco de mayo sale. I bought new pedals for my road bike and new shoes for my mountain bike, plus I got a free taco because this sale is a big deal at the shop. Later, I went home for my party with the family and family friends. It was super sweet with good food and good people. I saw a lot of people that I haven't seen in a while and a lot of people who I saw for the last time before I leave next Thursday (lots of overlap between these categories). Oh, I also had delicious cake and homemade ice cream and got presents. Yay!
On Friday, my actual birthday, I went back to Two Wheel to get my pedals all sorted out and get my bike refit. That's right, I went to the bike shop two days in a row. Awesome. Then, I accidentally made Alicia walk across town for no reason (ah, miscommunication) before heading off to REI and the skate shop with her and my mom. At REI I bought most of the last little items I'll need for my trip plus some totally radical chopsticks that I didn't NEED per say, but that I couldn't pass by. At the skate shop we were helped out by this funny guy and Alicia got a sweet board for cruising around town. When I got home, Dre, Alicia and I went to walk through the fountain, which is a UM tradition for graduates (Carolyn came too but didn't walk the fountain - next year). Then we went out for Chinese and everyone's food was tasty. Then we came back to the apartment to watch a DVD and have more cake and ice cream (Yes!) and more presents (Yes!). Jacko even called from TX.
I would say the two days were a rousing success and I had a ton of fun. Thanks to everyone who planned and came to parties and who gave gifts!


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