Ash's Goings Ons

It's a little blog about what's up with me.



I graduated yesterday. I don't think it's technically official, but the whole ceremony bit is over. We may not have had the best speakers, and we may not have had the best weather. But we stood up and sat down with hundreds of other people like real professionals. Really, though, it was pretty sweet, especially since I didn't think I was going to make it to the ceremony at all.

No, no of course I am not one of those people who was doubting I'd pass that last required course. Rather, I thought I would not physically make it to the stadium. First, "they" were calling for terrible thunderstorming cold weather, and, after careful consideration, we decided it wouldn't be worth attending in the rain. When we woke up at six-thirty AM to check on the clouds and call parents to let them know the verdict, it was miraculously dry and the chance of rain had been reduced from ninety percent to thirty percent. Hey hey hey, first obstacle: overcome. Obviously, it was then time to start getting ready to go the stadium. I didn't have a lot to do: shower, get dressed, iron my gown, brush my teeth and do the dishes. I had about an hour and forty-five minutes, what I considered to be ample time. Well, it was the cursed dish doing that undid me. I was just trying to be a good hostess and get everything together when the fateful moment occurred. As I was stepping from the pantry to the main room I stubbed my toe on the little step-up. No big deal, I thought. Quite painful, but oh well. That's when I looked down and saw that I was bleeding everywhere. Oh crap. So, I had to go wash and dress the wound, which took a while because between the broken toenail and the blood I was having trouble figuring out where the wound actually was. It was somewhat hectic; it was nearing departure time. Thankfully, the dishes are not imperative and Alicia volunteered to iron my gown. I limped down to the Big House and made it on time. My degree is in the mail.

To see pictures click the link at right. Happy May Day.


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