Ash's Goings Ons

It's a little blog about what's up with me.


Graduation is over. I feel the same.

I'm just waiting to start my roadtrip. I know that once I go I'll think of a hundred things that I should have done in Ann Arbor, but that will happen no matter what I do now. My most exciting news is that I'm going to have a huge birthday party and that I bought a guitar.

The birthday party: The birthday party is exciting because I didn't know it was going to happen until Sunday. My usual birthday observances include a dinner with my immediate family and my grandparents (aunts/uncles/cousins optional). We eat something of my choosing for the entre and then we have homemade ice cream and some sort of cake (often carrot) for dessert. Well, I was, until Sunday, under the impression that this year would be much the same. I had talked with my mom about having dinner with Grandma and Grandpa on Thursday; I just had to pick what we would eat. I was having trouble choosing, so my mom thought she would help me decide, "Keep in mind that about thirty-five people are coming over." What!? Apparently, there are people out there who want to celebrate the anniversary of my birth and my graduation with me as well as see me off. Sweet! I just forgot to ask who all was coming. Time will tell...

My guitar: My guitar was a gift from Dre's dad and stepmom. Thanks guys! I had been borrowing a guitar of theirs as I tried to learn how to play. Since I could not very well take it along with me on my trip, the money for one of my own was a great gift. So now I have a guitar of my own and my cool girl stock just keeps rising and rising. As soon as there is a good picture taken of it, you all can have a look.
Some people might say I have too many toys, but that is just silly.


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