Ash's Goings Ons

It's a little blog about what's up with me.


Home Sweet Home

Well, here I am in Vermont in the Spring.
Everything feels very familiar, which is strange.  The way the air feels, the way the weather is behaving, the plants and animals that I see around.  It's all very home-like.  The seasons are really different out west, and it has been 5 years since I spent the cycle in Michigan, this climate zone (wow!). 
Now, the plants are blooming and budding when they are supposed to be.  The cardinals, red-winged blackbirds and robins are flitting about now, at just the right time.  Perhaps most importantly, the rhubarb is coming into season right in time for my birthday pie!  Yesterday I received a picture from Beth that the mayapples are out, so she knew it was my birthday, which made me so, so happy.  I now have my local naturalist friend on the case, checking his notes to let me know where to go around here to see some for myself.
So, my multi-home problem/blessing is expanding, I think.  Last year at this time, I was realizing that I had expanded my "homes" from 2 two to three, adding Oregon to Colorado and Michigan.  Now, I suspect Vermont is getting added to the mix, but I'm not sure.  Maybe just the similarities to Michigan that are really making it strike a chord.  I do like it here, though.  It's kind of like an Ann Arbor, Boulder hybrid, and that's a good thing, to be sure.
When I introduced myself to new participants in the bike tour, and we were telling everyone where we were from, I would say, "I am a Michigander/Midwesterner whose heart is in Colorado, and I happily live in Portland."  I'm surprised that could be getting even more complex.


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