Ash's Goings Ons

It's a little blog about what's up with me.


My Lucky Day?

I think today might be my lucky day... not in the amazing, life-changing sense, but just in the little sense.
1) I missed having to wait for the train to pass through my intersection by about 15 seconds.
2) In the sunshine of the morning, I remembered to go back to my car and grab my umbrella. It is now raining right along.
3) I got a two-pack of Starbursts from the candy dish, and when I opened it up, it had one of each of my favorite flavors (orange and lemon).

Wow. Even though I admit that #2 isn't really luck - you know what they say, "Two outta three ain't bad." I can't wait to see what else might come my way. I hope it is something to improve my wealth. (perhaps finally realizing the key to either my anti-gravity pack or my teleportation device...)


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