Ash's Goings Ons

It's a little blog about what's up with me.


Everyday Task Meets Weather

Task: Wash Car
Where: In My Driveway

It's maybe 52 degrees out, and the car sure needed a washing. I start and everything's going along great. I get about halfway through and start to feel a bit chilly, especially my wet hand. Within five minutes the rinse water is forming into an ice car coating embellished by miniature icicles. This has never happened to me before, but I don't think that experience would have done me a lot of good. When the water doesn't work anymore, your carwashing kind of comes to a necessary halt. I did get far enough for the car to look alright. I wonder if people would have noticed a half clean, half dirt coated car. Perhaps an experiment for another time...

I got accepted to clemson, my last choice so it's not all that exciting.

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