Ash's Goings Ons

It's a little blog about what's up with me.


Bad Day, Good News

Saturday is my day to stand outside scanning lift tickets. Today was horrible. 10 degrees with 80 mph winds (that's a -20 windchill for those curious minds out there). We topped the day off with a meeting about what's going wrong in the call center, my primary job. Of course, I wanted to overanalyze everything. That made it more stressful than maybe it should have been, but hey, that's me.

So, on the way home I was feeling a bit wound up in a bad way, when I get the good news: acceptance into the University of Georgia Phd program! Yay! Yesterday I heard good news from Texas A&M (masters program) as well, so that's 2/2 so far. Now I can stop worrying that no one will want me and start worrying about my financial aid packages.(!)


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