Ash's Goings Ons

It's a little blog about what's up with me.


Snowstorm Everywhere Else

So, it appears there has been a series of massive snowstorms everywhere but here.  For this reason, I will not be going to Michigan this weekend.  I think this may be the first flight I've ever had canceled, which is impressive when taking the amount of flying I've done into account. 
Instead of visiting family, I will be doing homework.  This makes me feel more at peace, which is probably wrong and bad.  I am in the thick of a very busy semester.  I recall the welcome speech to graduate students now.  The speaker described the Master's degree as a "two year sprint".  Sure does sound unpleasant.

What do I do for joy?  Well, of course the fencing and the knitting, but my new obsession and love is...
 ...also known as the coolest thing ever to exist or be imagined. 


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