Ash's Goings Ons

It's a little blog about what's up with me.


The past week or so

Alright, I know it has been a long time since I last posted. I have been working my tailfeathers off! Yes, that is my excuse. Lots has happened.
First and most importantly, I found a super terriffic wonderful place to live. It is in the mountains. It is with this wonderful woman, Debra. It felt like home the moment I got there. I moved in on the same day that I went to see the place. I have posted pictures on the other page. Oh, and Sunday Debra and I built a staircase up to the loft that I sleep in. It was really empowering. The stairs are great, and we did the whole thing by the seat of our pants. I have been there for a little over a week. Send me an email to get the address if you want it.
Work is okay. That is to say, it is really hard. I am working A LOT. Shifts are nine hours and we are encouraged not to take breaks. Oh, but Saturday is different because shifts are twelve and a half hours (still breaks are frowned upon). In fact, I came in today on my day off because I REALLY want to sell a car, and I thought that I could get a woman in today for an appountment. No such luck. I am going to run errands instead (bank, DMV, bleh). But the atmosphere and people are good. I think all will improve once I get rolling. We shall see.
Remember what I said in my last post about eating everything at Noodles? Well, that's going to change because I'm going to see what happens when I stop eating wheat. It's a very common allergen. I am curious. Anyway, I'm going to go to the grocery store today to buy some alternative grains and other delicious items.
Another reference to the last post: that guy who works at the Middle Eastern place... I've been seeing some more of him. His name is Ken. Again, more specific inquiries should be made by email or phone.
I'm so tired right now becuase I stayed up late last night. I couldn't put Harry Potter down and read through to the end. I won't say anything about the plot because that's just mean, but I will say that I'm already anxious for the next book. It will probably be YEARS before we can get our hands on it. I knew this would happen! I guess I'll just have to satisfy myself with the next new movie, whenever that comes out.

Remember to check the pics site, and I hope to start updating this regularly again. It is hard to get into a routine with this schedule, but I'm sure to improve.


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