Ash's Goings Ons

It's a little blog about what's up with me.


Friday, July 1; Anchorage, AK

I'm just going to skip a lot of stuff now. Too bad. Here's the really brief summary: I saw Mt. Rainier. I went to Vancouver, BC, the cruise port. We took the cruise. There was much eating, card playing, etc. Nearly all the towns in which we stopped were tourist traps, but I got to kayak and also got kettle corn. My favorite thing about Alaska is this: there is a coffee here called Raven's Brew and they have a slogan that goes, "Real Alaskan Coffee for real Alaskans and their real friends." They don't make a shirt that says that. Now the cruise is over, and I'm in Anchorage. I have four more days in Alaska.

Here's the bad news: I just found out I didn't get the job in Boise. Here's the worse news: David (my cousin) just got a job, so now I'm the family loser.

Alaska is pretty sweet, but I'm not going to stay. Yeah, the mountains are pretty, but I'm scared of the weather. One reason I've left AA is to find better weather. Right now, I just don't know what to do with myself (White Stripes reference). Really, I'm going to get back to Seattle in a few days to pick up my car, drive to Tacoma to get my bikes then ask myself, "Well?"


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