Ash's Goings Ons

It's a little blog about what's up with me.


Kitten Adventure!

Beth and I have a grand dream of writing children's books featuring kittens with the themes, Kitten Goes to Work, Kitten Goes Grocery Shopping, etc. Well, the other day, we acted out Kitten Goes to the Park. It was a great adventure! We got some strange looks, including 'one' from an entire high school girls tennis team. We got meowed at by an older (cat) lady. We got to rescue Lincoln from a tree. (Indy is quite an adept ascender and descender.)

"Yeah! Climbing trees! Living the great Cat Dream! Adventure! Intrigue! This is the life."

"Oh my god -breathe-breathe- why do I let you talk me into these things, Indy! Help me."

"Oh man! I'm such a Wild Cat. Why did they bring me back to the apartment? I will show them my inner tribal self by adorning my face with war paints derived from this lily pollen..."

"Phew! It's exhausting being a Wild Cat. Zzz Zzz"

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