Hello from the good ol' USofA. I made it back into Portland and am working on getting resettled in. All is well. I do have few more pictures of Hawai'i to share. These are from the last week there, during which the interns and I had a totally sweet trip around the island!

AMAZING cafe in Honoka'a where we watched the inauguration at 5:30am! They had incredible company and incredible taro banana pancakes. A dream spot.

Roadside photo stop for the lush canyon behind us: me, Emily.

Viewing the canyon: Emily, Christina.

More fun signs! These were both on
Mauna Kea, at the observatory visitors' center. We caught a special monthy cultural presentation and got to look at the stars, naked eye and telescope, from the best viewing spot on Earth!!

On our last full day on the island, we headed STEEPLY down into Waimea Canyon to do the beach bum thing.

Our calves were giving out on the decent, so we caught a ride with a local surfer. Here is Cristina hanging on for dear life! At one point we went over a bump and I somehow got from my butt to my feet... hunh?

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