Ash's Goings Ons

It's a little blog about what's up with me.


The Tours Are Over

Well, another tour season comes to a close...
This one had me taking very few pictures in order to save my camera from the monsoon. I do have a couple gems, though. I would make some comments about the tour, but it is mostly a blur right now. I'm still in recovery mode.

Meet our lovely team of interns!
(Yes, I did make them wear those vests for their first impression on the clients.)
Christina, showing the way to the orientation meeting.

Anita, stationed in a fairly low traffic area.

Emily, hamming it up.

Below you will see a mangosteen, of current superfood fad fame. I believe this to be the most anime looking object in the natural world.
Yes! It even has a star/flower on the bottom!!

I am starting to see that I have a thing for taking pictures up from the base of trees. Here is a papaya plantation with the moon coming up.

Pretties on a sunny coco-lined lane!

I love signs.

Playing in the cocos

A wild tribe of bikers!

Partner(s) yoga... that's me on the bottom.


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