Ash's Goings Ons

It's a little blog about what's up with me.


Mission: Christmas Day Alone

Yes, I will be spending Christmas Day alone, so I am going to set out on a mission! No, I will not be following the star of Bethlehem. I don't think it would be visible from here (on the globe), but if anything angelic happens, I'm open to changing my plans...

What I AM going to do is load up the car with skis and snowshoes then drive west (maybe south, too) until I find snow! I am going on a snow hunt for Christmas; what could be better!?! I kind of have it in my head to go to Sisters, but that is so far, and I know everything will be closed... Plus, this is a minimal plan expedition: find snow.
If I happen to end up at a ski area, that's cool, but I think it will be snowshoeing this time.


P.S. Does anyone have a husky I can borrow? Because I can't get this picturesque image of this adventure, which includes a husky, out of my head...


  • At 10:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    From your previous blog on bathrooms...hope this helps make you adventure easier:

    Scope out your potty breaks before you leave the house. is a fun site that reviews public bathrooms in the U.S. and in over 120 countries. (Some of them look a little scary.) It will help you find bathrooms on your route that meet your standards.



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