Ash's Goings Ons

It's a little blog about what's up with me.


A Special Gift

So, as you may know, the previous tenants in my apartment left me a few wonderful tokens of their love including a broken dishwasher and shower. Well, as it turns out, there generosity did not stop there!!! Amazing but true - and no, I'm not talking about the Focus on the Family newsletter I now receive at my home (Hallelujah!).
Fleas. Yes. Fleas.
It's gross. It's itchy. It's going to be a big pain in the butt to deal with. I talked with my vet's office (kitty naturopath) and it turns out that the fancy new (and super effective) flea treatments like Advantage are a neurotoxin. So, I won't be bringing those into my home, but thanks for the effort, Big Pharma. I really appreciate all the good work you do *winkwink*! Instead I will be using the more high tech approaches: flea comb, soapy water and Borax. Human ingenuity is on my side, flea immortality against me. I'll be needing your well wishes and gifts of topical anti-itch creams. Thanks!

Achem. There's also good stuff:
So, I knit this hat upon request of my barista (baristo, male barista?) who saw me knitting my yellow cable scarf at The Shop. He bought the yarn, which I hated. I picked the pattern, which I also hated. And yet... it turned out pretty darn cute.
Yeah, I know you can't really see anything having to do with the hat in this pic, but it's just so funny I can't resist.
By special request, a pony tail accommodating peek-a-boo
And here's a look at everything else I've been up to fiber arts-wise: the yellow cable scarf in progress, the socks (finally!), new cell phone -> new cell phone cozy, and the leg warmers, which have been done for a long time, but I put them in the pic 'cause I just love 'em that much.

And here's my new roomie, Beth, and Lincoln relaxing.


  • At 1:22 AM, Blogger anand jay said…

    a: oh no! fleas are awful. best of luck!

    b: kitty naturopath. that is fantastic, and it never even occurred to me that they would exist!

    c: those socks look amazing!!


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