This post is, first of all, to send a big THANKS to Caita and Herb for the whole baby thing. You have really provided me with some primo knitting opportunities! Since babies are small, I could actually afford to make a fancy sweater for Mckenna-to-be! For those of you who didn't see it at the baby shower (or for those of you who saw it but were frustrated with the poor lighting in the Pizza House), here are the pictures:
I wasn't quite sure how to arrange the hood for the photos, but I think these give a good idea of how it looks.
Noro (the yarn) is kinda like Patagonia clothing. You want it because you know it's great, but you don't get it because it's so expensive. Then, you get some alternative and wish you had the Patagonia version. Or, you get the Patagonia/Noro, and you're so pleased that you walk around with ridiculous pride whenever you encounter the inferior product you avoided. Or something like that. I may be a little biased because whoever designs their yarns is my color and texture aesthetic double.
Okay, I also want to give everyone some gifts - the gifts of cool internet/real life finds! Here are some awesome things I have come across lately.
1. Check out Curtis Settino, the artist that is currently showing at the local coffee shop. Here are some of my favorites: "A Bathysphere is Here" on this page, "That One Fish" on this page, "Open Comics" on this page, and lots of other sweet ones. Click around.
2. Langhorne Slim. I heard it on NPR. Make sure to listen to "The Rebel Side of Heaven."
3. Dinosaur Comics. Sometimes they're great. Sometimes I don't like it so much. Today's, though, it worth a look. Trust me.
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